- 2019-01-07去故宫不用排队买票啦!Forbidden City adopts online-only ticket model
- 2019-01-07垃圾变“钢铁侠” Trash transformed into "Iron Men"
- 2019-01-07首个大学生“悬崖村”任教 First college-educated teacher in the “cliff village”
- 2019-01-07苹果丰收果农忙 20,000 hectares of apple orchards are primed for harvest
- 2019-01-07土豪买飞机打算改为酒店和餐厅 What do businessman do with retired airplane?
- 2019-01-07中共十九大在北京开幕 19th CPC National Congress opens in Beijing
- 2019-01-07“隔空点餐,吃完就走”的智能餐厅 "Smart" restaurant now in China
- 2019-01-07网红图书馆 A newly opened library in Tianjin
- 2019-01-07美国队获汉语比赛团体冠军 U.S. team wins Chinese language contest
- 2019-01-07妇女屯地瓜卖高价 Woman put sweet potatoes in storage for a higher price
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