- 2018-10-18航拍河南绝壁公路 Running on the edge of the cliff
- 2018-10-18兄弟沙漠里开荒种枣 Brothers plant red date trees in the desert
- 2018-10-18“姑妈”回娘家过苗年 Wives from China's Miao ethnic group return home for Miaonian festival
- 2018-10-18女司机搀扶男子过马路 Woman selflessly helps man across street
- 2018-10-18踩着高跷跳街舞 Street dance on stilts
- 2018-10-18叶子上的“二十四节气”"Twenty-Four Solar Terms" on tree leaves
- 2018-10-18ofo进军全球第十九国印度 Chinese bike-sharing company ofo to enter India
- 2018-10-18警犬“敬礼”送别老兵 Goodbye my dear friend!
- 2018-10-18冰雪大世界开始采冰了 Ice harvest for Harbin Ice Festival
- 2018-10-18新研究帮助识别“网瘾” New study tells signs of screen addiction
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