- 2014-03-02Chinese idioms 汉语成语 : 不贪为宝 No greediness
- 2014-03-02Chinese idioms 汉语成语 : 得过且过 muddle along
- 2014-03-02Chinese idioms 汉语成语 : 白头如新
- 2014-03-02Chinese idioms 汉语成语 : The Frog in the Shallow Well
- 2014-03-02Chinese idioms 汉语成语 : 塞翁失马,焉知非福——A loss, no bad thing
- 2014-03-02Chinese idioms 汉语成语 : The fox borrowing the awe of the tiger
- 2014-03-02Chinese idioms 汉语成语 : Sushi(2) Every minute is precious
- 2014-03-02Chinese idioms 汉语成语 : Mend the fold after a sheep is lost
- 2014-03-02Chinese idioms 汉语成语 :望梅止渴——Quench one's thirst by looking at plums
- 2014-03-02Chinese Idioms and Colloquialisms (3)
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