- 2016-02-18Shuijingzhu 水经注 Commentary to the River Classic
- 2016-02-18Shuihuzhuan 水浒传 The Water Margin
- 2016-02-10Shuowen jiezi 说文解字Explaining Simple and Analyzing Compound Characters
- 2016-02-10Exemplarious translation of Explaining Simple and Analyzing Compound Characters
- 2016-02-10Zizhi tongjian 资治通鉴 "Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government"
- 2016-02-10Zhouli 周礼 Rites of the Zhou
- 2016-02-10Exemplarious translation of Rites of the Zhou
- 2016-02-10Zhouyi 周易 The Changes of the Zhou
- 2016-02-10DRINKING ALONE WITH THE MOON 月下独酌 by Li Bai 李白
- 2016-02-04Prelude to water melody By Su Shi 水调歌头
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