- 2014-04-17年味十足的传统习俗Prepare for the Chinese Spring Festival
- 2014-04-17“新年计划 (Xīnnián jìhuà)” – New Year’s Resolutions in Mandarin
- 2014-04-17岁寒三友Three Friends in Cold Weather
- 2014-04-17Chinese Idiom (5): 笨鸟先飞 Clumsy Birds Have to Start Flying Early
- 2014-04-17Chinese Idiom (4): 如鱼得水To Feel Just Like a Fish in Water
- 2014-04-17Chinese Idiom (3): 纸上谈兵Armchair Strategy
- 2014-04-17Chinese Idiom (2): 百发百中 One Hundred Shots, One Hundred Hits
- 2014-04-17Chinese Idiom (1): 毛遂自荐To Recommend Oneself
- 2014-04-17中国传统婚礼 Chinese Wedding
- 2014-04-17重阳节 The Double Ninth Festival
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