- 2020-06-24EP25 八卦 Gossip
- 2020-06-24EP24 订餐位 Reserve a seat
- 2020-06-24EP23 打电话 Make a phone call
- 2020-06-24EP22 南方北方 South and North
- 2020-06-24EP21 里与外 Inside and Out
- 2020-06-23EP20 赞美 You’re So Pretty!
- 2020-06-23EP19 建议 Giving an Advice
- 2020-06-23EP18 拒绝 Refusing a request
- 2020-06-23EP17 前后左右Directions: Before/After/Left/Right
- 2020-06-23EP16 上下: Up and Down / On and Off
- 上一篇:暂无
- 下一篇:暂无