- 2020-09-22EP135 婉拒 Refuse a request politely
- 2020-09-22EP134 养生之道 Health Issues
- 2020-09-22EP133 真有钱 You’re so rich
- 2020-09-22EP132 普通朋友&好朋友 Different kinds of friends
- 2020-09-22EP131 追剧 Chinese TV series
- 2020-09-22EP130 没精神 Out of spirits
- 2020-09-22EP129 谈恋爱 Talk about “love” in Chinese
- 2020-09-22EP128 战胜恐惧 Conquer your fear
- 2020-09-22EP127 死机 My computer froze
- 2020-09-22EP126 老乡 From same hometown
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