- 2015-12-23Chinese phrase translation : 国粹(guócuì) national treasure
- 2015-12-23Chinese words:农家乐Agritainment
- 2015-12-23A theory of Women, Money and time
- 2015-12-23Before and After
- 2015-12-23Chinese phrase translation: 老字号(lǎozì hao)time-honored brand
- 2015-12-23Chinese words about eat 吃
- 2015-12-23Chinese words about very 非常
- 2015-12-23Chinese words: Coming out in the gay出柜
- 2015-12-23Chinese phrase translation:伤不起(shāngbùqǐ) vulnerable and helpless
- 2015-12-23Chinese phrase translation: 招牌菜(Zhāo pái cài) house specialty
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