- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 蚁族(yǐzú) ant tribe
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 死党(sǐdǎng) best friend
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 大跌眼镜 (dàdiē yǎnjìng) the glasses fell off in surprise
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 中国梦 (Zhōngguó mèng) the Chinese Dream
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 炒作(chǎozuò)hype, speculation
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 知音(zhīyīn)a true confidant
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 飞毛腿 (fēimáotuǐ) fleet-footed runner
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 猴年马月 (hóunián mǎyuè) indefinite time
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation:钻牛角尖 (zuān niújiǎojiān) to take unnecessary pains to study an insignifica
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 打盹(儿)[dǎdǔn(r)] nap
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