- 01-01Chinese idioms:叶公好龙——Professed Love of What One Really Fears
- 01-01OMG! Chinese Buzzwords! (21)
- 01-01Chinese idioms:自相矛盾——His Spear Against Shield
- 01-01Chinese idioms:朝三暮四——Three at Dawn and Four at Dusk
- 01-01OMG! Chinese Buzzwords! (22)
- 01-01Chinese idioms:刻舟求剑Marking his mark
- 01-01OMG! Chinese Buzzwords! (23)
- 01-01Chinese idioms:画蛇添足—— Draw A Snake and Add Feet
- 01-01OMG! Chinese Buzzwords! (24)
- 01-01OMG! Chinese Buzzwords! (25)
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