- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 打交道 (dǎ jiāodao) to come into contact with
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 背黑锅 (bēi hēiguō) to take blame for the fault of others:be made a scapego
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 见鬼 (jiànguǐ)go to hell
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 摊牌(tānpái)to have a showdown:lay one’s cards on the table
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 底细 (dǐxì) exact details
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 贫嘴(pínzuǐ) be garrulous
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation:幕后 (mùhòu) behind the scenes
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 闺蜜 (guīmì) Confidante
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 拆台 (chāitái)vandalize
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 城府 (chéng fǔ) shrewdness
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