- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 休假 (xiū jià) to go on vacation
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 年会 (niánhuì) annual meeting
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 鬼把戏 (guǐ bǎxì) dirty trick
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 无底洞 (wúdǐdòng) insatiable desires
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 范儿 (fànr) style, manner
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 干瞪眼 (gān dèng yǎn) look on in respire
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 打折(dăzhé) discount
- 2015-12-21Chinese phrase translation: 路边摊 (lùbiān tān) roadside stalls
- 2015-12-20Chinese phrase translation: 风声 (fēngshēng) Sound of the wind
- 2015-12-20Chinese phrase translation: 海归 (Hǎiguī)
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