- 2015-12-28Business vocab word list: Job Titles & positions
- 2015-12-28Chinese idioms:Chengyu for Why Starbucks Wins in China
- 2015-12-28New Chinese Internet Word: Are you a 屌丝Diǎo sī?
- 2015-12-28每日一词:高手(gāo shǒu)Expert/Master
- 2015-12-28每日一词:夜猫子(yè māo zi)Night Owl
- 2015-12-28每日一词:幸运儿(xìng yùn ér)A Lucky Person
- 2015-12-28每日一词:回头客(huítóukè ) returned customers
- 2015-12-28每日一词:低调(dīdiào) low profile
- 2015-12-28Crazy meaning of “yì si ”
- 2015-12-28每日一词:出马(chūmǎ)take up the matter oneself
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