- 11-29The Year of the Rabbit
- 11-29Birds of a Feather 物以类聚
- 11-29The Same Road to Ruin 重蹈覆辙
- 11-29Casting Pearls Before the Cattle!? 對牛彈琴
- 11-29Finding a Lost Sword 刻舟求剑
- 11-29A Foot or Two Too Far? 畫蛇添足
- 11-29The Shield or the Sword? 自相矛盾
- 11-29A Harebrained Scheme 守株待兔
- 11-29Teaching Lu Ban How to Suck Eggs 班門弄斧
- 11-29The Tortoise and the Steeds 跛鱉千里
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