- 11-29The Wily Hare 狡兔三窟
- 11-29Mend the Fold After a Sheep is Lost 亡羊补牢
- 11-29Practice Makes Perfect 熟能生巧
- 11-29Every Lost Horse Has A Silver Lining 塞翁失马
- 11-29Raising the Dead 起死回生
- 11-29The Guizhou Donkey 黔驴技穷
- 11-29The Flying Fish 鹏程万里
- 11-29A Rotten Horse Spoils the Herd 害群之马
- 11-29A Snake in the Wine 杯弓蛇影
- 11-29Tipping-off the Snakes 打草惊蛇
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