- 2014-10-31静夜思 In a Quiet Night
- 2014-10-31咏鹅 Hymn to the Goose
- 2014-10-31一望二三里 A Leisure Walk
- 2014-10-30飞鸟集 Stray Bird
- 2014-10-30白蛇传 Legend Of White Snake
- 2014-10-30狐假虎威 Basking in Reflected Glory
- 2014-10-30七步诗 Seven Step Poem
- 2014-05-28Aping A Beauty 东施效颦
- 2014-05-28Getting the Casket and Returning the Pearl 买椟还珠
- 2014-05-28The Vigil by the Tree Stump 守株待兔
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