- 09-23三十六计Thirty-Six Stratagems: 起源Origin
- 09-23三十六计 Thirty-Six Stratagems: 瞒天过海 Fool the Emperor to Cross the Sea
- 09-23三十六计 Thirty-Six Stratagems: 围魏救赵 Besiege Wèi to rescue Zhào
- 09-23三十六计 Thirty-Six Stratagems: 借刀杀人 Kill with a borrowed knife
- 09-23三十六计 Thirty-Six Stratagems: 以逸待劳 Leisurely await for the laboured
- 09-23三十六计 Thirty-Six Stratagems: 无中生有 Create something from nothing
- 09-23三十六计 Thirty-Six Stratagems: 趁火打劫 Loot a burning house
- 09-23三十六计 Thirty-Six Stratagems: 声东击西 Make a sound in the east, then strike in the west
- 09-23三十六计 Thirty-Six Stratagems: 明修栈道,暗度陈仓 Openly repair the gallery roads, but sneak through the passage
- 09-23三十六计 Thirty-Six Stratagems: 李代桃僵 Sacrifice the plum tree to preserve the peach tree
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