- 09-23三十六计 Thirty-Six Stratagems: 隔岸观火 Watch the fires burning across the river
- 09-23三十六计 Thirty-Six Stratagems: 笑里藏刀 Hide a knife behind a smile
- 08-14三十六计 Thirty-Six Stratagems: 顺手牵羊 Take the opportunity to pilfer a goat
- 08-14三十六计 Thirty-Six Stratagems: 打草惊蛇 Stomp the grass to scare the snake
- 08-14The reason for translating English names into Chinese name
- 08-14三十六计 Thirty-Six Stratagems: 借尸还魂 Borrow a corpse to resurrect the soul
- 08-14三十六计 Thirty-Six Stratagems: 调虎离山 Entice the tiger to leave its mountain lair
- 04-04Chinese Historical Story - The Northern Expediton
- 04-04Chinese Historical Story - The Founding of New China
- 04-04Chinese Historical Story - Macao's Return to China
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