- 03-07Three Chinese idioms about people relationships: 人情世故, 左右逢源, 面面俱到
- 03-07A Chinese idiom that is used on a crowd – 争先恐后
- 03-07A Chinese expression that all rich people would have thought about: 人怕出名猪怕壮
- 03-07How to use Chinese expression 八仙过海, 各显神通?
- 03-07How to use Chinese idiom 半信半疑 and 半推半就?
- 03-07An expression in Chinese 安于现状 defines an attitude towards life
- 03-07A bad day word: Chinese idiom 哀声叹气
- 03-07Chinese idiom 爱莫能助 – Love to help but can not
- 03-07Use 挨家挨户 to express “door to door” in Chinese
- 03-07Expression in Chinese to describe people that share similarities (物以类聚, 英雄所见略同)
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