中国古诗词 Lyrics to the Melody of Butterflies Chasing Flower 蝶恋花
日期:2015-09-29 19:53  点击:427
Dié liàn huā

Sònɡ ŌuYáng xīu
宋· 欧阳修

Tínɡngyùan shēnshēn  shēn  jǐ  xǔ
庭院       深深     深  几  许? 

Yánglǐu  duīyān  liánmù wúchónɡ shù
杨柳   堆烟,  帘幕    无重   数。

Yùlè  diāo’ān  yóu  yě  chù
玉勒   雕鞍    游   冶   处,

Lóugāo  bújiàn  zhāngtái lù
楼高    不见    章台路。

Yǔhéng  fēngkuáng  sānyuè mù
雨横     风狂      三月 暮,

Mén  yǎn  huánghūn, wújì  liú chūn zhù
门   掩      黄昏,   无计 留  春住。

Lèiyǎn  wèn huā  huā bù yǔ
泪眼   问花     花不语,

Luànhónɡ fēiguò  qīuqiān qù
乱红     飞过    秋千去。


“Lèiyǎn wènhuāhuàbùyǔ,luànhónɡfēiɡuòqiūqiān qù” shì zhèshǒucí de mínɡjù。

Nǚzhǔrénɡònɡnányán de kǔtònɡ,zhènɡrú huāér zāodào kuánɡfēnɡbàoyǔ de cuīcán ér hánbēibùyǔ,suǒyǐ tā bùjìn shānɡxīn lèixià。

Lyrics to the Melody of Butterflies Chasing Flowers
By OuYang Xiu

How deep is the inner garden that is deep?
Shrouded in smoky mist are willows, as if filtered by many a screen.
On a horse with a rein set with jade and sculpted bridle I saunter,
Many buildings soar yet no longer existent is the Terrace of the Seal.

Stormy is the wind and rain of this March evening,
Doors close in the remains of day, yet there’s no way to hold on to spring.
With my teary eyes I appeal to blossoms, yet silent they keep.
Astir and adrift they are flitting across swings.


OuYang Xiu’s泪眼问花花不语,乱红飞过秋千去of well-known phrase, write out the hidden pain of heroine might be just like the flower that suffers a fierce storm. She cannot help bursting into tears.  

zuòzhě jiǎnjiè
作者 简介

ŌuYáng xīu, zì yǒnɡshū,zìhào zuìwēnɡ,liùyījūshì,shìhào wénzhōnɡ,shìchēnɡ wénzhōnɡ ɡōnɡ。
欧阳修(1007~1072),字永叔, 自号醉翁、六一居士,谥号文忠,世称欧阳文忠公。

Běisònɡ shíqī zhènɡzhìjiā,wénxuéjiā hé shǐxuéjiā,tánɡsònɡ bādàjiā zhīyī。

Author Introduction

OuYang Xiu, zi yongshu, named himself Zuiweng, Liuyi Jushi. He has been called OuYang Wen Zhong gong since the posthumous name is Wen Zhong. He was a politician as a litterateur and a historian in the Northern Song, meanwhile, he was one of tangsong ba da jia.


03/10 15:20
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