A souvenir--At Heron Lodge 登黄鹤楼
日期:2015-09-29 20:27  点击:446
Would you write the words like "someone have visited here" when you come to the travel resorts in order to keep as a souvenir? Wait! Not to mention such an act is prohibited, even if they were allowed, such message is outdated. Let's learn about the poetic expression together.
Dēnɡ Guàn què lóu
登  鹳   雀  楼

【tánɡ】Wánɡ Zhīhuàn
【 唐】 王 之 涣

Bái rì yī shān jìn,
白 日 依 山   尽,

Huánɡ hé rù hǎi liú。
黄  河 入 海 流。

Yù qiónɡ qiān lǐ mù,
欲  穷   千   里 目,

Gènɡ shànɡ yì cénɡ lóu。
更  上 一 层  楼。

At Heron Lodge

[the Tang Dynasty] Wang Zhihuan

Mountains cover the white sun,
And oceans drain the golden river.
But you widen your view three hundred miles,
By going up one flight of stairs.

②白日:(báirì),means the sun.
③依:(yī),means lean on.
④尽:(jìn),means get lost.
⑤穷:(qiónɡ),means to achieve the most.
⑥千里目:(qiānlǐmù),means wide field of vision.
⑦更:(ɡènɡ),means to change, it didn't mean again here.
关于作者(zuò zhě, the author):王之涣(688─742)盛唐诗人。字季凌(jì línɡ),祖籍(zǔjí)晋阳(今山西太原),其高祖迁今山西绛县(jiànɡxiàn)。豪放不羁(háofànɡ bùjī),常击剑悲歌,其诗多被当时乐(yuè)工制曲歌唱,名动一时,常(chánɡ,means once upon a time here, doesn't mean always)与高适、王昌龄等相唱和,以善于描写边塞(biānsài)风光著称。其诗用词十分朴实,然造境极为深远,令人裹(ɡuǒ)身诗中,回味无穷。诗六首,其中《登鹳雀楼》、《凉州词》二首(其一)和《送别》三首皆著名,又尤以前两首最脍炙人口(kuàizhì rénkǒu)。


03/09 21:49
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