The Analects of Confucius (一)Introduction
日期:2015-09-29 20:28  点击:427

《论语》是战国初期孔子的弟子及再传弟子编纂(biānzuǎ, compilatory)的有关孔子言论的记录。孔子是我国古代伟大的教育家、思想家,是儒家学派的创始人。《论语》写于春秋战国时期 (公元前475年-公元前221年),是儒家早期重要经典(jīngdiǎn, classic)代表作,在中华文明史上占有重要的(zhòngyào de, important) 地位,它对中华民族以及东亚的政治、经济、道德(dàodé, morals)、伦理(lúnlǐ, ethics)、人性(rénxìng, humanisam)的形成都产生了极为深远的影响(yǐngxiǎng, influence),可以说,《论语》是中华民族的灵魂(línghún, soul)之作。

The Analects of Confucius, also known as the Analects, or Lunyu (simplified Chinese: 论语; pinyin: Lún Yǔ), are considered a record of the words and acts of the central Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius and his disciples, as well as the discussions they held. Confucius was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher of the Spring and Autumn Period. his thoughts have been developed into a system of philosophy known as Confucianism (儒家rú jiā).The Analects of Confucius is written during the Spring and Autumn Period through the Warring States Period (ca. 475 BC - 221 BC), the Analects is the representative work of Confucianism and continues to have a tremendous influence on Chinese and East Asian thought and values today. Since Confucius' time, the Analects has heavily influenced the philosophy and moral values of China and later other East Asian countries as well. The Analects of Confucius is a soul philosophy work of the Chinese race.

《论语》约二十章。每一章节(zhāngjié, chapter)的名字,一般就是子曰的最开头两三个字。比如第一章,学而:子曰:学而时习之,不亦悦乎。(Zǐ yuē: Xué ér shí xí zhī, bù yì yuè hū?)。有些章节的名字则是此章节的主题(zhǔtí, theme)。但是一般来说不要将从题目中去联想(liánxiǎng, associate)章节的内容(nèiróng, content)。

There are about 20 chapters in the book. The traditional titles given to each chapter are mostly the initial two or three characters (incipits). For instance, the first chapter of Book 1, "Xue er," started with a Confucian teaching "The Master said, Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application? " In some cases, they may indicate, as the Brooks propose, a central theme of the chapter. However, it is inappropriate to regard the title as a capture or a generalization of the content of the chapter.

  Title Translation
1 Xue Er 学而 Studying
2 Wei Zheng 为政 The practice of government
3 Ba Yi 八佾 Eight lines of eight dancers apiece
4 Li Ren 里仁 Living in brotherliness
5 Gongye Chang 公冶长 Gongye Chang
6 Yong Ye 雍也 There is Yong
7 Shu Er 述而 Transmission
8 Taibo 泰伯 Taibo (“Count Tai”)
9 Zi Han 子罕 The Master shunned
10 Xiang Dang 乡党 Among the Xiang and the Dang
11 Xian Jin 先进 Those of former eras
12 Yan Yuan 颜渊 Yan Yuan
13 Zilu 子路 Zilu
14 Xian Wen 宪问 Xian asked
15 Wei Linggong 卫灵公 Duke Ling of Wei
16 Ji Shi 季氏 Chief of the Ji Clan
17 Yang Huo 阳货 Yang Huo
18 Wei Zi 微子 The “viscount” of Wei
19 Zizhang 子张 Zizhang
20 Yao Yue 尧曰 Yao spoke


3.    Ba Yi 八佾:Ba Yi is a kind of ritual dance practiced in the court of Zhou Dynasty.
5.  Gongye Chang 公冶長:A student of Confucius.
6.  Yong Ye 雍也:Yong is Ran Yong (冉雍), called Zhou Gong (仲弓), a student of Confucius.
7.  Shu Er 述而:Transmission, not invention [of learning]
8.  Taibo 泰伯:Wu Taibo, the oldest son of King Tai (周太王), the great-grandfather of Wu (周武王) of the Zhou Dynasty.
9.  Zi Han 子罕:Confucius spoke seldom of advantage。
10. Xiang Dang 乡党:'Xiang' was a group of 12,500 families; a 'dang' of 500 families.
11. Xian Jin 先进:Those of former eras The former generations
12. Yan Yuan 颜渊: Yan Yuan Yan Hui (颜回), common name Zi Yuan (子渊), was a favorite among the Disciples of Confucius.
13. Zilu 子路 :Zilu A student of Confucius.
14. Xian Wen 宪问: Xian asked Yuan Xian (原宪), also called Yuan Si (原思), common name Zisi (子思), was a student of Confucius.
15. Wei Linggong 卫灵公: Duke Ling of Wei Ruled 534–493 BCE in Wei.
16. Ji Shi 季氏 Chief of the Ji Clan Ji Sun (季孙), an official from one of the most important families in Lu.
17. Yang Huo 阳货: Yang Huo An official of the Ji (季) clan, an important family in Lu.
18. Wei Zi 微子: The “viscount” of Wei Wei Zi was the older half-brother, son of a concubine, of Zhou (纣), the last king of the Shang Dynasty.
19. Zizhang 子张: Zizhang Student of Confucius.
20. Yao Yue 尧曰:  Yao spoke Yao was one of the traditional Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of ancient China.


03/09 21:34
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