A Beautiful Scar 谁说缺憾不是美?
日期:2015-09-29 20:34  点击:419
A Beautiful Scar 
shéi  shuō  quēhàn bú shì měi ?
The other day, for the millionth time, I looked at my handsome son. With my eyes, I traced the fine line that runs from just below his eye to the curve of his nostril. The surgeons did a remarkable job repairing his face. I told Mike that his scar is a war wound, a badge of honor, regardless of how it looks, and that it adds character to a too-handsome face. He thought about that for a minute before he replied, “Huh! You’re right. It is a war wound!”
mǒutiān ,wǒ dì yībǎiwàn cì kànzhe wǒ nà shuàishuàide ér zi ,sǎoshì tā yǎn xià dào bíkǒnɡ zhījiān de nà dào yōuměi xiàntiáo .yīshēnɡ duì tā de miànrónɡ xiūfù zuò de hěn chūsè .wǒ ɡàosù Mike ,tā de shānɡbā shì zhànshānɡ ,wúlùn zhèɡe bāhén hǎo kàn yǔfǒu ,tā jiù shì yì mi rónɡyù xūnzhānɡ ,érqiě tā wèi yì zhānɡ ɡuò yú shuàiqì de lián pínɡtiān le ɡèxìnɡ .xiǎnɡ le yíhuì ,tā huídá ,"hā !méicuò ,zhè shì zhàndòu shānɡhén !"

I’ve learned that nothing hurts us more than watching our children hurt, regardless of how old they are. I’ve learned that faith isn’t faith until it’s tested, and I’ve learned that we don’t know whether we really have it until we need it. We can walk away victorious in battle, but we often carry scars to prove the victory.
wǒ yíshì dào ,wúlùn háizi zhǎnɡ duō dà ,dōu méiyǒu shénme nénɡ bǐ kàn dào tāmen shòu shànɡhài ɡènɡ jiào rén nánɡuò .wǒ yě yíshì dào ,zhǐyǒu jīnɡ dé qǐ kǎoyàn de xìnniàn cái shì zhēnzhènɡ de xìnniàn ,érqiě wǒ yě yìshi dào ,zhí dào wǒmen xūyào xìnniàn ,wǒmen cái zhīdào ,wǒmen shìfǒu zhēn de yōnɡyǒu xìnniàn .zài zhàndòu zhōnɡ ,wǒ men nénɡ shènɡlì de zǒu chūlái ,dànshì wǒmen de shènɡlì chánɡchánɡ yǐ bāhén wèi zhènɡ .

The remnant of cancer on Michael’s face is a line about the width of two strands of thread, a fine scar...a beautiful scar. It’s a constant reminder of how fragile we are, a reminder that we are simply made of flesh and bone, held together with skin. Michael’s scar is a token of mercy, grace, and healing, things I don’t want to take for granted, ever again.
zhè ɡe zhǒnɡliú zài Michael de liǎn shànɡ liú xià le yí dào yǒu liǎnɡ ɡǔ xiàn bān cū de bāhén ,yí dào jīnɡxì de bāhén ……yí dào měilì de bāhén .tā shíchánɡ tíxǐnɡ zhe :wǒmen shì duōme de cuìruò ,wǒmen bú ɡuò shì yóu pífū lián zhe ròu yǔ ɡǔ de xuèròu zhī qū .Michael de bāhén xiànɡ zhēnɡ zhe cíài 、ēnzé hé jiùshú ,dàn wǒ bú huì zài jiānɡ zhè xiē shì zuò lǐsuǒdānɡrán de le ,yǒnɡyuǎn bú huì .



03/09 09:01
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