Barbie Hsu announces pregnancy 徐熙媛宣布怀孕
日期:2015-09-30 19:59  点击:436
No more rumors: Actress Barbie Hsu has confirmed her pregnancy.
The "Meteor Garden" actress shared the news Monday night (December 2, 2013) on her Sina Weibo microblog, saying, "Thank you all for your blessings. We are now a family of three." A photo accompanying the post shows a casually dressed Hsu displaying an obvious baby bump. Hsu has made the photo her new profile photo.
这位《流星花园》女主角在周一晚上( 2013年12月2日)在她的新浪微博上分享了这个消息 ,她说:“谢谢大家的祝福。我们现在是一家三口了。 ”博文上附了一张照片,照片显示了一个衣着随意、明显显怀的徐熙媛。徐熙媛把这张照片设置成了她的新的个人资料照片。
Hsu's husband Wang Xiaofei acknowledged his wife's hardship in carrying the baby in an additional statement as he forwarded the post on Sina Weibo.
Hsu, who turned 37 in October, did not reveal the due date of her first child. She met restaurateur Wang Xiaofei in 2010. The couple announced their engagement one month later. They married each other in a private wedding in March, 2011.
Hsu's longing to have a baby is well known, and pregnancy rumors have surrounded the couple ever since the pair's wedding. It has been reported that Hsu had changed her vegetarian diet and started eating meat in order to prepare for pregnancy.
Born in Taiwan, Hsu is best known for her lead role in the 2001 hit TV drama "Meteor Garden". She is also a singer and talk show host. Since getting married, she has lived with her husband in Beijing and devoted her time to her family.


03/05 00:08
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