Topshop into China 中国时装
日期:2015-09-30 20:04  点击:419
Kate Moss could lead Topshop into China after the fashion chain's billionaire owner Sir Philip Green said he was in "advanced discussions" to open its first outlets in the country.
时装连锁业巨头,亿万富翁菲利普.格林爵士声称他目前在深入洽谈于中国开办第 一家销售商店之事宜。而这之后不久,凯特.摩丝将率Topshop(英国快速时尚品牌) 进军中国市场。

With the model set to put her name to a new collection for the retailer, due to launch in 40 countries next April, Green said: "We could use that as an opportunity to open 20 to 30 pop-up stores within department stores in China."
该公司专供零售销售的最新系列服装将于明年四月在四十个国家发售,而摩丝也 确定用自己的名字为次系列代言。在此大好形式之下,格林称:"我们将利用此机会, 在中国各大商场开办20-30间快闪商店。"

Moss's latest collaboration with Topshop will be the first since she walked away from a previous project three years ago. The model, who was paid a reported £3m for her first collaboration, will work on the new collection with stylist Katy England and Topshop's creative director, Kate Phelan. At 39, she is old enough to be the mother of many Topshop customers, but Green insisted she still had fashion influence.
继三年前与该公司的合作项目结束后,此次双方再度携手。这位名模将与设计师 凯蒂.英格兰以及创意总监凯特.费伦就新系列建立合作伙伴关系。据报道,该名模在 与此间公司首都合作之际酬劳就高达三百万英镑。虽然39岁的摩丝和Topshop许多顾 客的母辈相当,但格林仍坚信她有时尚影响力。


03/05 03:18
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