China grinds to a halt amid holiday chaos 国庆黄金周
日期:2015-09-30 20:18  点击:388

With China's highways snarled by traffic, thousands of tourists stranded at one of the country's beloved national parks and millions more crushing into its most popular attractions, there is little question that the Chinese nation is once again on holiday.

Early government estimates are that this National Day holiday week, which began onTuesday, will be a record for the country in terms of domestic visitor numbers and tourism revenue, with both up about 20 per cent compared with the same period 12 months earlier.
早期政府的估计是,周二开始的这个国庆黄金周,在国家的国内游客人数和旅游收入方面将创新记录。这两项数据与上年同期12个月前相比,均上涨约20% 。

Tourism records have become par for the course in China: stronger numbers have been posted year after year over the past half decade. But economists say that the regularity of this phenomenon should in no way diminish its significance, because it underlines the strength of consumption growth and the resilience of consumer confidence in China.


03/05 06:27
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