Asian cultural development relies on diversity, in-depth exchange 亚洲文化的发展依赖于多样性和深入交流
日期:2015-09-30 20:27  点击:384
HONG KONG, Nov. 14 -- The Asian cultural development relies on more diversity and in-depth exchange among all the nations to foster mutual understanding and respect and to achieve mutual enrichment and prosperity,  said here on Thursday.
香港11月14日 - 中国文化部部长蔡武在星期四表示,亚洲文化的发展依赖于更强的多样性和各民族之间的深入交流,促进相互理解和尊重并实现相互丰富和共同繁荣。
Addressing the "Asia Cultural Co-operation Forum (ACCF) 2013" held by the Home Affairs Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government, Cai said Asian countries have enjoyed faster economic growth in the world since the latter half of the last century, with increasing social awareness of and investment into their cultural sectors.
在由香港特别行政区政府民政事务局举办的“亚洲文化合作论坛( ACCF ) 2013 ”上的发言中,蔡说,亚洲国家在上个世纪后半期以来,在世界上经济增长较快,而且他们的文化部门的社会知名度不断提高、得到的投资也越来越多。
Cai said fast advancement of economy, science and technology in modern times has given room to the mushrooming of new ideas and inventions, which provided new materials and inspirations for literature, creating new opportunities for the growth of Asian culture.
Along with opportunities, the Asian culture is also facing new challenges, Cai said, citing that as the difference between economies widens, culture is taking different courses in different nations, and the diversity will very much likely remain for a long time or even become greater.
In addition, there is also increasing integration as well as competition between different countries in terms of culture, and the speed, scope and degree of mutual influence is unprecedented, he said.
Cai noted the standoff and conflict are not right choices for mankind to cope with new opportunities and challenges, "Our strategy should conform to the trend of time and the overall development of Asia, adhere to the promotion of cultural diversity and civilization dialogue."
Besides, Cai said the countries should endeavor to conduct in- depth an candid communication of the souls other than mere ceremonial greetings to each other, and he expects more high-level platforms for cultural and intellectual interflow and more literary works of every country to be translated to readers from the whole continent.
On the forum under the theme "Literature and Cultural Vibrancy, " Secretary for Home Affairs of HKSAR Tsang Tak-sing, and senior government officials from the cultural department in Brunei, Cambodia, South Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam also shared their views.
This year is the eighth session of ACCF, which was launched in 2003. Participants will also visit Jao Tsung-I Academy, Bruce Lee Exhibition and Chinese Traditional Woodblock Prints Exhibition in Hong Kong during the one-day activity.


03/05 10:20
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