Wanda Group Defends Picasso Art Purchase 万达集团为其购买毕加索作品的行为辩护
日期:2015-09-30 20:28  点击:396
The Dalian Wanda Group wants the Chinese people to be proud that it bought a masterpiece of Spanish-born Pablo Picasso instead of "focusing on the amount of money spent" over it, news portal chinanews.com reported on Saturday.
据新闻门户网站中国新闻网周六报道,大连万达集团希望中国人为它购买了出生于西班牙的艺术家毕加索的杰作而自豪,而不是“专注于花了多少钱” 。
Wanda, one of China's biggest real estate developers, paid 172 million yuan ($28.22 million) to acquire the Claude et Paloma or Two children, which was painted by Picasso in 1950, at a Christie's auction in New York on Tuesday.
万达,中国最大的房地产开发商之一,于周二在纽约佳士得拍卖会上支付了1.72亿元( 28220000美元)收购名叫《克劳德和帕洛玛》​​或《两个孩子》的画作,这幅画是毕加索在1950年的作品。
Wanda's bid has shocked Chinese art collectors and Netizens because the company paid more than double the price originally estimated which, according to a Los Angeles Times report, was between $9 million and $12 million.
"only an enterprise with culture can understand art and collect the best artwork in the world. Chinese people should be proud rather than focus on how much money had been spent," said Guo Qingxiang, the person in charge of Wanda's art collection. "People should treat domestic enterprises with healthy respect. Purchasing the best artwork in the world is a good thing," added Guo.
”只有有文化底蕴的企业能够理解艺术和收集世界上最好的艺术品。中国人应该感到自豪,而不是关注于花费了多少钱。“ 万达的艺术收藏负责人郭庆祥说。 “人们应该给予国内企业适当的尊重。购买世界上最好的艺术品是一件好事。“他补充说。
It is the first instance of any Chinese enterprise buying a Picasso painting in the Western world, according to China Radio International.
Wanda had timed its purchase appropriately alongside a sluggish global economy, Guo said.
"The price of the painting could easily exceed hundreds of millions of dollars five or six years ago," said Guo, adding that the company intends to buy masterpieces of other famed artists such as Claude Monet's Water Lillies when the time is right.
“在五六年前,画的价格很容易就超过几百万美元。 ”郭说。他还补充说,公司还计划在时间恰当时购买其他著名艺术家的杰作,如莫奈的《睡莲》。
When Guo was asked if Wanda's purchase of Western art would deal a blow to the domestic art market, he said that the move would only raise the bar for Chinese auction houses.
"The top priority of the auction houses should be serving customers, help art collectors identify artwork of real worth and to discover artists of true talent," he said. "However, contemporary Chinese artwork is largely copied. Instead of curbing the phenomenon, local auction houses sometimes work with these artists and hype the price."
“拍卖行的重中之重应该是为客户提供服务、帮助艺术收藏家识别真正有价值的艺术品和发现真正的天赋的艺术家 ”他说, “然而,当代中国艺术品在很大程度上出现仿冒现象。而当地的拍卖行不仅不对这种现象进行遏制,有时还会与这些艺术家合作来炒作价格。 ”
Wanda has also acquired another Picasso painting featuring a girl in a hat at 17 million yuan from Tuesday's auction, chinanews.com reported. 


03/05 10:13
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