Learn Chinese Idioms-- làn yú chōng shù 滥竽充数
日期:2015-10-08 18:08  点击:331
-làn yú chōng shù
【解释】: 滥:失实的,假的。不会吹竽的人混在吹竽的队伍里充数。比喻无本领的冒充有本领,次货冒充好货。
  当时,有一个游手好闲、不务正业的浪荡子弟,名叫南郭。他听说齐宣王有这种嗜好,就一心想混进那个乐队,便设法求见宣王,向他吹嘘自己是一名了不起的 乐师,博得了宣王的欢心,把他编入了吹竽的乐师班里。可笑的是,这位南郭先生根本不会吹竽。每当乐队给齐宣王吹奏的时候,他就混在队伍里,学着别的乐工的 样子,摇头晃脑,东摇西摆,装模做样地在那儿吹奏。因为他学得维妙维肖,又由于是几百人在一起吹奏,齐宣王也听不出谁会谁不会。就这样,南郭混了好几年, 不但没有露出一丝破绽,而且还和别的乐工一样领到一份优厚的赏赐,过着舒适的生活。
Learn Chinese--làn yú chōng shù
No More Tricks, Mr. Nan Guo! (Pretending to Play the Yu to Retain His Position in the Orchestra) 
In the period of the Warring States (475-221 BC), there was a state called Qi. The king of Qi was so fond of the yu, a wind instrument, that he had a band of more than 300 musicians play for him every afternoon. The king was most satisfied with the band and the harmonies they performed. 
Little did the king know that a member of the band, Nan Guo, was not even a musician. In fact, Nan Guo knew nothing about the yu. But he somehow managed to pass himself off as a yu player by sitting right at the back, pretending to play the instrument. The king was none the wiser.
But Nan Guo's charade came to an end when the king's son succeeded him. 
The new king, unlike his father, preferred solos to full orchestral performances. The king would therefore summon musicians to perform individually. 
Of course, Nan Guo's tomfoolery was exposed in no time, and he found himself without. 


09/22 09:39
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