Extensive Reading Lesson 69
日期:2014-01-10 21:29  点击:331



A census taker checks information collected in a trial run of the sixth national census, at a household in the city of Zaozhuang, east China's Shandong Province, on October 30, 2010.
A census taker checks information collected in a trial run of the sixth national census, at a household in the city of Zaozhuang, east China's Shandong Province, on October 30, 2010.

据 新华社报道,第六次全国人口普查从周一正式开始,距前一次全国人口普查已有10年。人口普查第一阶段从11月1日持续到10日,全国600多万名普查员和 普查指导员将走进4亿多户住户,查清查实全国人口状况。11月11日到30日进行复查和事后质量抽查,全国抽查万分之一的人数。从12月起进入数据汇总阶 段,2011年4月底公布这次人口普查的主要数据。


China begins national census

China launches its sixth national census starting Monday, 10 years after the previous one, Xinhua reported. From Nov. 1 to Nov. 10, more than 6 million census takers will go door to door and visit over 400 million households across the country and record family information to finish the first stage of the census. In order to have more accurate figures, from Nov. 11 to Nov. 30, another round of census-taking will be launched, though on a smaller scale of 1/10,000 of the population. Statistics will be calculated in December, with the key data scheduled to be released by the end of April 2011.

The census, for the first time, will cover foreign residents living in China. The census started on Oct. 25 in Guangzhou – ahead of the nationwide effort because of the 16th Asian Games.


03/05 01:55
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