Extensive Reading Lesson 70
日期:2014-01-10 21:30  点击:416



Wang Maomao and her cartoon rabbit Tuzki.
Wang Maomao and her cartoon rabbit Tuzki.

据《杭州日报》报道,兔斯基的创作者王卯卯如今已经将这只兔子彻底卖给时代华纳了,而 她也于8月底从时代华纳辞职。从2006年开始,风靡网络的卡通兔斯基因其可爱的形象和夸张的动作深受年轻人喜爱。王卯卯创作的这只栩栩如生带有丰富情感 的卡通兔子有着丰富的想象力、多愁善感,但随和又随意。


据新华社报道,俄罗斯外交部长拉夫罗夫2日表示,俄总统梅德韦杰夫计划视察南千岛群岛 (日本称北方四岛)其他岛屿,并计划加大对南千岛群岛的投资。拉夫罗夫同时表示,俄方目前没有召回驻日大使的计划。梅德韦杰夫1日登上南千岛群岛的国后 岛。这是俄国家元首首次视察俄日争议岛屿,引发日方强烈不满。


中国网消息,昨天在北京发布的《慈善蓝皮书》指出,2009年我国社会慈善捐赠量达 332亿元,比2008年增长3.5%,但仅占2009年国家GDP的0.01%。蓝皮书还将中国、美国、英国、巴西和印度五个国家的捐赠量进行了对比。 美国的慈善捐赠占GDP的比例为2.2%,居五个国家之首。



Cartoon rabbit sold to Time Warner

Painter Wang Maomao sold her cartoon rabbit Tuzki to Time Warner and resigned from the company in August, the Hangzhou Daily reported. As a popular internet emoticon, cartoon rabbit Tuzki has been loved by youngsters since 2006 for its lovely appearance and extravagant acts. Wang depicts the vivid and various emotions of this character – creative, sensitive and easy-going.

Medvedev to visit disputed islands

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev will visit the Kuril Islands, which are at the center of a territorial dispute between Russia and Japan. Disclosing this on Nov. 2, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the Medvedev's trip is meant to bring investment to the region. He also denied Russia's intension to recall its ambassador in Japan. On Monday, Medvedev became the first Russian leader to set foot on Kuril, which angered the Japanese government.

Charity donations on the rise

Charities in China raised 33.2 billion yuan through donations in 2009, a 3.5 percent increase from the amount gathered in 2008, which represented just 0.01 percent of the country's 2009 GDP, according to the 2010 Blue Book on Chinese Charity, which was released Tuesday in Beijing, China.org.cn reported. The book also compared donations in China with donations in the US, Britain, Brazil and India. Americans donated 2.2 percent of its GDP, the highest among the five countries.

Post-80s couples happiest

Post-80s couples are happiest among all couples, according to a survey conducted by the Xiaokang Magazine, Chongqing Evening News reported. The most important factor that contributes to their happiness is a modest income, followed by a harmonious sexual life. Third is mutually loyalty, fourth is a healthy and cute child, and the last is a peaceful relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.


03/05 02:20
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