Extensive Reading Lesson 72
日期:2014-01-11 17:58  点击:415



The increase of female students follows government efforts to boost the number of girls in higher education. It also reflects a marked change from earlier times when girls had far fewer educational opportunities than boys.
The increase of female students follows government efforts to boost the number of girls in higher education. It also reflects a marked change from earlier times when girls had far fewer educational opportunities than boys.

据《北京青年报》消息,南开大学今年招收的女 生人数超过男生,在该校男女同校办学的91年历史中尚属首次。南开的招生报告显示,今年,该校3127名新生中有女生1662人,约占总招生人数 53.1%。女大学生的增长显示了政府为保障教育公平所做的努力,也折射出社会观念的变迁:在过去,很多家庭受“重男轻女”思想影响较重,女孩求学机会偏 低。



3Q之争 奇虎损失重大


More girls than boys at university

Newly enrolled female students exceeded males this year for the first time in the 91-year history of coeducation at Nankai University, the Beijing Youth Daily reports. The university's enrolment report says 1,662 female students joined as undergraduates this year, accounting for 53.1 percent of the 3,127 freshers. The increase of female students follows government efforts to boost the number of girls in higher education. It also reflects a marked change from earlier times when girls had far fewer educational opportunities than boys.

Zhengzhou revamps police organization

In an effort to streamline police duties, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, overhauled the organization of its police departments Saturday by combining all 10 of its sub-offices with 114 stations to form 29 new stations, Xinhua reports. Police stations now fall directly under police offices, without a police sub-office intermediary. Zhengzhou hopes the move will speed up response.

360 loses 20% of customers

Statistics show that 360 has lost 60 million customers, approximately 20 percent of its market share, in its ongoing battle with Tencent, the Beijing Daily reports. Tencent CEO Ma Huateng said on Sunday that its WebQQ chat page and online games run by Kingsoft were under attack from 360, an allegation dismissed by 360 described as an ugly lie.


03/05 01:55
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