Extensive Reading Lesson 73
日期:2014-01-11 18:12  点击:328



The natural growth rate of the registered population in Shanghai has been negative for 17 years, reports Xinmin Evening News.
The natural growth rate of the registered population in Shanghai has been negative for 17 years, reports Xinmin Evening News.

《新民晚报》消息,上海户籍人口的自然增长率已连续17年负增长,生育水平更是处于世 界超低水平,户籍人口总和生育率只有0.83,远低于世界公认的人口自然更替必须户均生育2.1的水平,由此导致青少年人口数锐减、老年人口的抚养比持续 上升、在职人员负担日渐加重、社会保障压力剧增等问题,影响了城市的可持续发展。人口资源环境建设委员会主任孟燕堃建议:鼓励符合生育二胎条件的家庭解除 忧虑,足额生育,提高计划生育政策内的出生比重。


《广州日报》消息,“光棍节”又要到了,记者采访发现,“姐弟恋”已经越来越被单身男 女所接受,但能接受的年龄差距一般在五岁之内。婚恋专家认为,就目前而言,“姐弟恋”在中国应该是算刚刚兴起,但相比以前要多很多。成功的也不多,大约只 有20%是能够修成正果的。由于男人的婚龄段长于女人,“姐弟恋”还可以解决剩女问题。







Shanghai's population has negative growth

The natural growth rate of the registered population in Shanghai has been negative for 17 years, reports Xinmin Evening News. The birth rate is 0.83, far below the widely recognized standard of 2.1. The youth population declines and the elderly increase. The burden for tax payers and social security escalate, which affects the sustainable development of the city. Director of Shanghai Municipal Population and Family Planning Commission Meng Yankun suggested that the government encourage families that are qualified to have a second child to have the second baby and raise the birth rate.

Older women dating younger men

Bachelor's Day is coming. According to an investigation, love between younger men and older women is becoming increasingly more acceptable among singles in China, but the age gap should be within five years, reports the Guangzhou Daily. A marriage expert said the trend of romance between younger men and older women just started in China. Only 20 percent of the couples end up married. Since the standard age for men to get married is older than women, romance between younger men and older women could solve the unmarried, single-woman dilemma.

CCTV host makes less than 6,000 yuan

Zhao Pu, host of CCTV's Morning News, revealed his monthly salary to be less than 6,000 yuan on his microblog, the Beijing Times reports. Zhao said he was responding to rumors that CCTV hosts made more than 200,000 yuan a month, but many people still are suspicious, saying it is impossible to live in Beijing on 6,000 yuan a month.

Seat choice available on bullet trains

Railway authorities have clarified earlier reports that travelers will soon be able to choose their seat assignments on trains, Beijing Daily reports. Train passengers will only be able to choose their seats on trains on a few high-speed trains and will not be able to check remaining available tickets, as was previously reported.

Miner gets dirty lungs washed

51-year-old coal miner Long Huaiwen underwent a lung lavage in Xinjiang Occupational Disease Hospital on October 18, which generated 48 bottles of black water, Yaxin.com reports. The lung lavage took about three and a half hours, and used 12,000 ml of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). He has worked as a miner for 16 years.


03/05 02:16
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