Extensive Reading Lesson 74
日期:2014-01-11 18:13  点击:399


Crowd gathered at the National Convention Center Wednesday to celebrate the launch of China's first bilingual comic book on the subject of low carbon.
Crowd gathered at the National Convention Center Wednesday to celebrate the launch of China's first bilingual comic book on the subject of low carbon.

中国首部以低碳生活为主题的双语漫画书新书发布会周三在北京国家会议中心举行,众多人士出席了此次活动。这本漫画书名为《低碳漫画总动员》,由联合国开发 计划署(UNDP)及其中国亲善大使、知名演员周迅女士共同发起的环保意识传播项目“我们的贡献(Our Part)”推动出版。

联合国系统驻华协调员兼联合国开发计划署驻华代表罗黛琳女士对在场的150名观众(其 中包括来自北京15所中小学的师生代表)说道:“我们相信,通过汇集每个人的力量,我们可以做出巨大的改变。所以我们携手合作,共同推动《低碳漫画总动 员》的出版发行。千里之行,始于足下。希望大家都能受到这本书的启发,成为绿色大使,并影响周围的人。”







联合国开发计划署是联合国从事发展的全球网络。我们倡导变革并为各国提供知识、经验和 资源,帮助人民创造更美好的生活。我们在166个国家开展发展援助,通过与这些国家的合作,帮助各国应对全球和各国国内面临的发展挑战。联合国开发计划署 及其广泛的合作伙伴一起帮助各国进行自身的能力建设。

我们的贡献(OUR PART)项目

2008年4月21日,联合国开发计划署任命知名艺人周迅为首位中国亲善大使,同时发 起了环保意识传播项目——“我们的贡献”。这是一个全方位的媒体平台,旨在借助周迅的公众形象和影响力,鼓励人们通过一种现代的、时尚的创意方式来保护环 境。“我们的贡献”倡导人们在生活中做出简单、时尚、生态友好的改变,得到了很好的成效。其成功之处在于,周迅对于“绿色生活小贴士”的践行起到了模范作 用,同时注重通过发展互利的合作伙伴关系,向大众传递环保信息。

First bilingual green comic book unveiled in Beijing

Crowd gathered at the National Convention Center Wednesday to celebrate the launch of China's first bilingual comic book on the subject of low carbon. The Green Life Comic Book was designed by Our Part initiative, a joint environmental awareness campaign of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in China and its National Goodwill Ambassador, renowned actress Ms. Zhou Xun.

Ms. Renata Lok-Dessallien, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in China, addressed the 150 audience including students and teachers from 15 primary and middle schools in Beijing, saying, "We join forces in creating the Green Life Comic Book because we believe in the power of individual change. The longest journey begins with the first step. Inspired by the ideas in the Book, each of us can become a green ambassador, and we can inspire others."

The comic book presents 57 serial works by 16 Chinese artists from Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. The book also received support from long-standing partners: Center for Environmental Education of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, China Top Brands Magazine, an affiliate of Xinhua News Agency, and Huayi Brothers Media Co. The first 100,000 books will be distributed to primary and middle schools in major cities across China.

Mr. Wang Guangtao, Chairman of Environment Protection and Resources Conservation Committee of National People's Congress, and Mr. Zhou Shengxian, Minister of Environmental Protection, contributed the forewords for the book.

Ms. Lok-Dessallien also spoke to the readers directly in the foreword she contributed to the book, urging them to take action: "I encourage everyone to join us in the fight against climate change by adopting these simple eco-friendly alternatives." The comical cartoon strips have been injected with important environmental messages to create a light-hearted book for young readers.

Ms. Zhou Xun commented during the event, "To me, environmental protection brings me happiness in all aspects of my life. I do not feel it is an obligation, but rather a personal responsibility that leaves me feeling fulfilled. I hope with this comic book, such happiness can be shared with all readers. I also hope children around the world will have the opportunity to read it, so that they will start protecting our Earth and the environment."

The event concluded with the following quotation: "We can all do OUR PART to make this world a better, greener place for everyone."

About UNDP

UNDP is the UN's global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in 166 countries, working with them on their own solutions to global and national development challenges. As they develop local capacity, they draw on the people of UNDP and our wide range of partners.


On April 21, 2008, Zhou Xun was appointed UNDP China's first National Goodwill Ambassador. At the same time, Zhou Xun and UNDP jointly launched OUR PART, a nation-wide multimedia campaign to promote environmental awareness. Utilizing Zhou Xun's public image and star power, the initiative strives to educate the public about protecting the environment using a modern, creative, and stylish approach. OUR PART has proven highly effective in inspiring people to adopt eco-friendly lifestyle changes that are presented as simple and fashionable. Key to OUR PART's success have been Zhou Xun's highly visible role-modeling of "OUR PART Green Tips" and OUR PART's focus on leveraging mutually beneficial partnership to reach mass audiences with environmental messages.


03/05 02:05
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