Extensive Reading Lesson 76
日期:2014-01-11 18:14  点击:315



The hydrogenated oil widely used in food industry is as dangerous as DDT. The trans-fatty acids contained in hydrogenated oil pose a severe threat to health that has led many Western countries to ban its use, but its production and use are still rather common in China.
The hydrogenated oil widely used in food industry is as dangerous as DDT. The trans-fatty acids contained in hydrogenated oil pose a severe threat to health that has led many Western countries to ban its use, but its production and use are still rather common in China.

据 中央电视台报道,广泛用于食品行业的氢化油其危害性堪比杀虫剂滴滴涕。由于氢化油中的反式脂肪酸严重威胁人类健康,很多西方国家已经对其封杀,而氢化油的 生产和使用在我国依然十分普遍。有研究显示,国内市场的奶酪﹑人造奶油﹑蛋糕﹑饼干等食物中的反式脂肪酸的含量已经超过了5%。


新华社消息,为了加强食物质量安全和营养改善工作,中国各地正在陆续成立省级食物与营 养咨询部门。继天津市和山西省之后,今年四月,黑龙江省食物与营养咨询指导委员会正式成立,并于上周召开了第一次全体会议。四川、辽宁等六省份也正在准备 成立省级食物与营养咨询指导委员会。国家食物与营养咨询委员会主任万宝瑞说:“随着人民生活水平提高,食物生产不适应营养需求、居民营养不足与营养过剩等 新问题亟待解决,对食物发展与营养改善进行咨询指导势在必行。”



Margarine as dangerous as pesticide

The hydrogenated oil widely used in food industry is as dangerous as DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane), CCTV reports. The trans-fatty acids contained in hydrogenated oil pose a severe threat to health that has led many Western countries to ban its use, but its production and use are still rather common in China. A survey has found that the trans-fatty acids content in cheese, margarine, cakes and biscuits in the Chinese market exceed 5 percent.

China creates nutrition departments

Provincial governments across China are beginning to set up food and nutrition departments in an effort to strengthen food safety and raise nutrition levels, Xinhua reports. Heilongjiang Province's food and nutrition inquiry committee held its first plenary session last week, after its establishment in April following Tianjin and Shanxi Province.

Six provinces, including Sichuan and Liaoning, are now preparing to set up their own food and nutrition departments. "New problems arise when people's living standards improve," said Wan Baorui, director of the National Food and Nutrition Department. "Food production cannot meet nutrition standards. Some people suffer from malnutrition and some from over-nutrition. It is imperative to guide food development and nutrition improvement."

Projectors damage eyesight

Improper use of projectors in the classroom can damage students' eyesight, Yangtze Evening Post reports. If the light in classroom is too strong, students cannot see the slides clearly, but if the light is too dim, they have trouble taking notes. A report from China Electronic Chamber of Commerce suggests that most of the students sitting in the last three rows cannot see the slides clearly when teachers use projectors.


03/05 02:18
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