Poem: The Book 宋诗《观书有感》
日期:2015-10-22 19:50  点击:318
ɡuān shū yǒu ɡǎn
Zhū Xī (Sònɡ)

Bàn mǔ fānɡ tánɡ yí jiàn kāi,
tiān ɡuānɡ yún yǐnɡ ɡònɡ páihuái.
Wèn qú nǎ dé qīnɡ rúxǔ,
wèi yǒu yuántóu huó shuǐ lái.


The oblong pool as large as half a mu lies ahead like a mirror, wher the light and shadow of clouds in the sky float on its surface. People may wonder why it can be so clear, because there is always fresh water flowing from its source.
In this poem, the oblong pool is a metaphor for book reading. It is not a pool of stagnant water because there is always fresh water flowing within. That’s why the pool looks like a mirror; the reflection of the sky and clouds is crystal clear. It is the same with reading a book. We ought to read many books in order to gain new knowledge and to refresh and updat our learning. The metaphor of the oblong pool conveys the poet’s ideal that people have to read books frequently for new knowledge if they want to inspire and enlighten themselves. The last two lines of the poem are frequently quoted to indicate that if people can be broad-minded enough to tolerate and embrace different ideas, they will be able to have ever-flowing fresh thoughts.

池塘 (chítánɡ ) : n. pool
荡漾(dàngyàng) : v. ripple
清澈 (qīnɡchè): adj. limpid
枯竭 (kūjié): adj. dried up
源头 (yuántóu): n. source
活跃 (huóyuè): adj. active
开阔 (kāikuò): adj. open; broad-minded
胸襟 (xiōnɡjīn): n. breadth of


09/23 06:34
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