In Chinese, there are two words for“two”: 二(èr) and 两(liǎng), and Chinese learners are often confused about when each of them should be used. Today, we will illustrate the differences between them. The major difference between them is that "二" is generally used when counting numbers (一、二、三,…), or performing mathematical computations. 两(liǎng) is used in front of measure words to express a quantity. For example: 两个苹果(liǎng gè píng guǒ) two apples "二" (èr) is also used as an ordinal number or in maths to indicate a numeral, a fraction, or a decimal. For example: In the multi-digit numbers, When you want to say an approximate number, you can use "两". For examples |
Basic Rules to Use "二" and "两"
日期:2015-11-24 19:10 点击:1339
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