Lucky Number(1)
日期:2015-11-26 19:45  点击:535


The Number 0 (零líng) is a whole number and it is also an even number for the money ends with 0.


The number 2 (二èr or 两liăng), is most often considered a good number in Chinese culture. There is a Chinese saying: "good things come in pairs". It is common to repeat characters in product brand names, such as double happiness, which even has its own character 囍, a combination of two 喜. In Cantonese, two is homophone of the characters for "easy" (易) and "bright" (亮). In Northern China, the number, when used as an adjective, can also mean "stupid".


The number 3 (三sān) sounds similar to the character for "birth" (生shēng), and is considered a lucky number. The number 3 is significant since there are three important stages in a man’s life (birth, marriage and death).


09/23 18:35
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