Extensive Reading Lesson 102
日期:2014-01-19 19:58  点击:251
Rumors drive Beijing car-sales boom



More than 20,000 cars were sold in Beijing in the first week of December as citizens scrambled to buy vehicles ahead of curbs aimed at reducing the city's massive traffic jams.
More than 20,000 cars were sold in Beijing in the first week of December as citizens scrambled to buy vehicles ahead of curbs aimed at reducing the city's massive traffic jams.

据《经 济观察报》报道,治堵限车传闻下,12月第一周北京的汽车销量超过了两万辆,市民开始提前疯抢。传言称,政府将要出台治堵新政,要求新车购买者必须有“北 京市户口”和“停车泊位证明”。从11月份开始,排队等车的消费者就迅速增多。目前,各款车型几乎都要等一个月左右的时间;与此同时,二手车也开始一车难 求。


Rumors drive Beijing car-sales boom

More than 20,000 cars were sold in Beijing in the first week of December as citizens scrambled to buy vehicles ahead of curbs aimed at reducing the city's massive traffic jams, the Economic Observer reported. Sales were driven by rumors that the government plans to restrict vehicle purchases to people with Beijing residence permits, and may insist prospective buyers obtain parking permits in advance. The number of people on car-purchase waiting lists jumped sharply over November figures. All types of vehicle now have waiting lists of about one month, and demand for used cars has outstripped supply.

When the government announced its proposals yesterday, it confirmed it was considering restricting car purchases, but did not give details of exactly how. It also said it may reintroduce the odd-even license plate restrictions seen during the 2008 Olympics, but in central Beijing only, and that it plans to impose a congestion charge when the time is right. The government has called for feedback on its plans from citizens and experts.


03/06 02:16
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