Folk dance of the Dai people 傣族民族舞
日期:2015-11-29 19:07  点击:418

Folk dances of the 840,000 Dai Ethnic Group(傣族Dăizú) enjoy not only wide popularity but great diversity. Most of them imitate the movements of subtropical(subtropisch; the places have a climate that is warm and wet, and are often near tropical regions) creatures. The percussion instruments used for accompaniment include elephant-foot drums, gongs, and bronze drums. Different dances have their one special drumbeat and drum vocabulary. The drumbeat is not only the tempo of a dance but a kind of language for people to communicate their feelings.

The dances described below are the most popular in Dai areas. They include Peacock Dance, Elephant-Foot-Drum Dance, Gabanguang Dance, Double Drumhead Dance, Fish Dance, Roc Dance, Egret Dance, Garland Dance, Knife Dance, Rod, Stick and Boxing Dances, Gaduo Dance, Yilahe Dance, Butter-fly Dance, Bamboo-Hat Dance, Candle Dance, Cock Dance and Demon Dance.


09/23 04:30
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