Extensive Reading Lesson 109
日期:2014-01-19 20:04  点击:328
Online shoppers set new record



Statistics from the Ministry of Commerce show that electronic business transactions in China are expected to top 450 billion yuan this year -- almost double last year's volume, and 22 times that of 2005.

据 《新民晚报》消息,来自商务部的数据显示,今年中国网络购物的总额预计可达4500亿元,这一规模几乎是去年的两倍,与5年前相比翻了22倍。自2007 年起,中国的网购开始进入了快速的增长期。“新民意”的调查结果显示,36%的受调查用户每周都会在网上购物,消费金额方面,过半的受访者每次会在网络上 消费200至500元。


Online shoppers set new record

Statistics from the Ministry of Commerce show that electronic business transactions in China are expected to top 450 billion yuan this year -- almost double last year's volume, and 22 times that of 2005, Xinmin Evening News reports. Online shopping volumes have been rocketing since 2007. A poll in 'New Opinion' reported that 36 percent of respondents buy online each week, and more than half spend between 200 to 500 yuan each time.

The convenience of online shopping and access to items unavailable in regular stores has contributed to the growth of the sector, which, in turn, has boosted industrial growth and employment. Group purchasing, i.e. customers teaming up to obtain better discounts, has emerged in major cities this year as the latest development in online shopping, and is likely to be a growing trend in the future of the industry.


03/06 11:42
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