里程碑 (lǐchéng bēi) milestone
“里程碑” 本义指标志公路及城市郊区道路里程的碑石, 每一公里设一块,用以计算里程和标志地点位置。后比喻在事物发展过程中具有重大意义的事件。
The original meaning of“里程碑”is stele to mark the mileage of the highway and the road in the urban and rural area. One stele is set up for one kilometers to calculate the mileage and mark the location. Now it’s used as a metaphor that something plays an important role during the development.
1、èr líng líng bānián àoyùnhuì shì Zhōngguó tǐyù shìyè de yí ge lǐchéng bēi.
2008 Olympic Games is a milestone in China’s sports history.
“里程碑” 本义指标志公路及城市郊区道路里程的碑石, 每一公里设一块,用以计算里程和标志地点位置。后比喻在事物发展过程中具有重大意义的事件。
The original meaning of“里程碑”is stele to mark the mileage of the highway and the road in the urban and rural area. One stele is set up for one kilometers to calculate the mileage and mark the location. Now it’s used as a metaphor that something plays an important role during the development.
1、èr líng líng bānián àoyùnhuì shì Zhōngguó tǐyù shìyè de yí ge lǐchéng bēi.
2008 Olympic Games is a milestone in China’s sports history.