大选 (dà xuǎn) general election
In modern society, “大选” refers to the parliamentary or presidential elections of certain countries or regions. In different countries, the specific meaning of a general election is different.
1、Zài zhècì zǒngtǒng dàxuǎn zhōng, bǎoshǒudǎng zhàn le hěndà de yōushì.
In this presidential election, the Conservative Party holds many advantages.
2、2012 nián shì shìjiè dàxuǎn nián, Měiguó, Fǎguó, éluósī děng hěnduō guójiā dōu jìnxíng le xuǎnjǔ.
2012 was an election year around the world, as the United States, France, Russia, and many other countries carried out elections.
In modern society, “大选” refers to the parliamentary or presidential elections of certain countries or regions. In different countries, the specific meaning of a general election is different.
1、Zài zhècì zǒngtǒng dàxuǎn zhōng, bǎoshǒudǎng zhàn le hěndà de yōushì.
In this presidential election, the Conservative Party holds many advantages.
2、2012 nián shì shìjiè dàxuǎn nián, Měiguó, Fǎguó, éluósī děng hěnduō guójiā dōu jìnxíng le xuǎnjǔ.
2012 was an election year around the world, as the United States, France, Russia, and many other countries carried out elections.