日期:2015-12-26 19:21  点击:449
威武在这里指有威风或气派,中国的现代年轻人会直接取读音近似的符号"V"来表达对方形象或行为的景仰,但都具有戏谑 搞笑的成分。近似地可以说“霸气”。
" Wei Wu" here means prestige or impressive air around you. In modern Chinese society, the youth will pick up the symbol V directly , which is similar to "Wei Wu" in pronunciation (but v and w is different), to express their admiration toward the image or behavior of others. But they both bear joking and funny meaning. Similarly, we can say Ba Qi.
E.g: Xiao Qiang beat two robberies in the lane, that's totally V5
Use Carefully! In the TV series Justice Bao, each time Bao opens the court [for sober air maintenance on the spot and authority declaration] the downside soldiers will hit the ground with a stick in hand yelling Wei Wu to make the gangsters not dare give cheek. Justice Bao Qingtian: Bao Zhen ( AD-10 2AD) The local justice in Song Dynasty famous for his integrity and decisive justice.


02/01 07:59
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