OMG! Chinese Buzzwords! (27)
日期:2016-01-01 20:40  点击:334

媒体依赖症(méi tǐ yī lài zhèng)
media-addiction syndrome
If you feel edgy, fidgety, distressed or lonely when left without access to your cellphone, Internet, TV and radio, then you are said to be suffering from the syndrome.

快炒族(kuài chǎo zú)
quick-handed speculator
Some people speculate on the stock, property or grocery markets only for a reasonable amount of return instead of stockpiling for huge profits, and sell on in a short time instead of holding on to their investment for a long time. This group of people is believed to have contributed to the high inflation rate in China.

蘑菇效应(mó gū xiào yìng)
mushroom effect
Most new employees in a company have to labor along a long tunnel of obscurity until they gain the attention of managers, like mushrooms that start life in dark corners of poor soil before growing tall enough to be noticed.

宠物儿童(chǒng wù ér tóng)
pet-like children
Some Chinese children say they are similar to pets for their parents and grandparents as they feel they are kept in different kinds of "cages" - home, car, classroom - all day long.

水母族(shuǐ mǔ zú)
jellyfish clan
The term describes people, especially job hunters, who largely falsify their qualifications and resumes for career success. They are compared to jellyfish, whose bodies mainly consists of water, as these people's certifications and resumes are filled with empty words and false contents while providing little real information.


01/31 14:49
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