假自闭(jiǎ zì bì)
Some office workers show symptoms of autism at home after a hard day or week’s work, such as reluctance to communicate and socialize with others and a tendency to sleep in or indulge in watching TV or surfing the Internet. But psychotherapists say these are fake autistic symptoms and can be cured by joining outdoor activities and confiding in close friends.
亲情AA制(qīn qíng AA zhì)
go home, go dutch
Many young couples, both from one-child families, in China, especially those who work far away from their hometowns, face the hard choice before the Spring Festival of choosing whose parents to stay with during the festival that values family reunio. Some couples agree that they will each visit his or her parents separately.
网堡(wǎng bǎo)
The word is a combination of “internet” and “nest,” referring to blankets, pillows, duvets and comfy objects a nethead gathers in preparation for spending a long time on the internet. Another meaning is the place wher new internet connections are born.
刻格薄(kè gé bó)
meany, acrid, sharp-tongued
The term refers jokingly to those meanies who often throw harsh words or behave unkindly towards others. The term is pronounced the same as KGB, the former national security agency of the Soviet unio, in Chinese.
事实婚姻(shì shí hūn yīn)
de facto marriage
The term refers to a certain marriage state in which a couple lives together in conjugal relations without a wedding registration and regardless of whether a ceremony was held or not. Such marriage is illegal in a stricter sense.
Some office workers show symptoms of autism at home after a hard day or week’s work, such as reluctance to communicate and socialize with others and a tendency to sleep in or indulge in watching TV or surfing the Internet. But psychotherapists say these are fake autistic symptoms and can be cured by joining outdoor activities and confiding in close friends.
亲情AA制(qīn qíng AA zhì)
go home, go dutch
Many young couples, both from one-child families, in China, especially those who work far away from their hometowns, face the hard choice before the Spring Festival of choosing whose parents to stay with during the festival that values family reunio. Some couples agree that they will each visit his or her parents separately.
网堡(wǎng bǎo)
The word is a combination of “internet” and “nest,” referring to blankets, pillows, duvets and comfy objects a nethead gathers in preparation for spending a long time on the internet. Another meaning is the place wher new internet connections are born.
刻格薄(kè gé bó)
meany, acrid, sharp-tongued
The term refers jokingly to those meanies who often throw harsh words or behave unkindly towards others. The term is pronounced the same as KGB, the former national security agency of the Soviet unio, in Chinese.
事实婚姻(shì shí hūn yīn)
de facto marriage
The term refers to a certain marriage state in which a couple lives together in conjugal relations without a wedding registration and regardless of whether a ceremony was held or not. Such marriage is illegal in a stricter sense.