A proposed national Chinese carbon trading scheme
日期:2016-01-10 19:41  点击:280
A proposed national Chinese carbon trading scheme is likely to see carbon prices trade at alevel that helps to cut emissions slightly but is not high enough to yield dramatic reductions, according to a survey of the potential price for carbon in the world’s largest polluter.
A national scheme is still far off butexperimental trading has begun on China’s only existing carbon market – a pilot project in the southern boomtown ofShenzhen, on the border with Hong Kong. Several other pilots are due to open inthe next two years as China tests the water for a market-based system to discourage polluting emissions.
A survey of financiers, regulators, academics and industry players showed thathalf expect a national scheme that unifies experience from the various pilotsto be launched by 2018, said survey author Frank Jotzo of the Crawford School of Public Policy at Australian National University.
澳大利亚国立大学克劳福德公共政策学院的Frank Jotzo教授对金融家、监管机构、学者及工业界人士做了一项调查。调查显示,半数的人期望国家在整合各个试点计划的经验后在2018年推出全国性的碳市场交易计划。


03/06 02:26
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