£8,000 each on shopping in Chinese Golden Week
日期:2016-01-14 18:59  点击:344
Chinese signs, Mandarin-speaking shop assistants and extra deliveries of sought-after designer goods — in especially small sizes — are all part of making the high-spending visitors who have travelled here this week from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou feel at home.
Wave upon wave of Chinese visitors, in small groups and coach parties, alone and in pairs, pack the pavements and malls.
They are surprisingly young and rich. And they are here to splash their cash.
The reason for this sudden influx is that it’s Golden Week in China, a week-long holiday that kicked off with National Day on October 1 — the day the People’s Republic was founded in 1949.
It’s the time when the country’s wealthiest and most adventurous hop on long-haul flights and come to London. Top of their shopping lists are luxury goods — the handbags, shoes, watches and expensive knick-knacks which, because of stringent Chinese taxes, are about 30 per cent more expensive back home.
No wonder British retailers leap with excitement. Quite simply, the Chinese spend unbelievable amounts of money; an average of £8,000 each on shopping alone, according to one recent survey.
It is not just the clientele of London’s busiest shopping streets which is transformed during Golden Week — the staff in luxury stores are supplemented by droves of Chinese speakers, signs directing shoppers around the store are in Mandarin, and even the customs when it comes to paying for goods are different.
key words
黄金周huánɡ jīn zhōu:Golden Week
消费xiāo fèi:consume
购物ɡòu wù:shopping


03/05 05:02
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