Since 1978 when China inaugurated the opening and reform initiative, international communication and cooperation(合作hézuò) in the education sector has migrated onto a new stage cheering healthy development of abroad studying, increasing number of foreigners studying in China, and expanding cross-border academic communication. International communication and cooperation has brought us with beneficial reference(参考cānkǎo), impelled education reform and development in China and enhanced the mutual understanding and friendship between China and other countries.
In more than two decades since 1979, China sent some 320,000 students to more than 100 countries and regions(地区dìqū), hosted 340,000 students from more than 160 countries and regions; dispatched out 1,800 teachers and experts, appointed 40,000 foreign experts and teachers. Number of Chinese experts and academicians once involved in international conferences held abroad and that of foreign experts and academicians once presenting at international academic symposiums(学术报告会xuéshù bàogàohuì) held in China both amounted to 11,000.
In 1996 only, China sent out more than 10,000 students to nearly 100 countries and regions and entertained nearly 33,000 international students from 160 countries and regions. In order to help partner countries to bring up culture-indifferent, sci-tech and translation professionals, China configured teachers for Chinese language programs launched in more than 30 countries, and gave mission(使命shǐmìng) orders to more than 5,000 experts destined to short-term teaching programs launched in different countries. On the other hand, colleges and universities in the country extended appointment letters to some 3,760 foreign-originated experts and teachers. In the year, colleges and universities directly under the Ministry of Education approved 2,099 application cases for involvement(包含bāohán) in some 1,316 international academic symposiums held abroad. Nearly 140 international academic symposiums and seminars hosted by colleges and universities in China welcomed in some 5,000 participants from foreign countries.
In more than two decades since 1979, China sent some 320,000 students to more than 100 countries and regions(地区dìqū), hosted 340,000 students from more than 160 countries and regions; dispatched out 1,800 teachers and experts, appointed 40,000 foreign experts and teachers. Number of Chinese experts and academicians once involved in international conferences held abroad and that of foreign experts and academicians once presenting at international academic symposiums(学术报告会xuéshù bàogàohuì) held in China both amounted to 11,000.
In 1996 only, China sent out more than 10,000 students to nearly 100 countries and regions and entertained nearly 33,000 international students from 160 countries and regions. In order to help partner countries to bring up culture-indifferent, sci-tech and translation professionals, China configured teachers for Chinese language programs launched in more than 30 countries, and gave mission(使命shǐmìng) orders to more than 5,000 experts destined to short-term teaching programs launched in different countries. On the other hand, colleges and universities in the country extended appointment letters to some 3,760 foreign-originated experts and teachers. In the year, colleges and universities directly under the Ministry of Education approved 2,099 application cases for involvement(包含bāohán) in some 1,316 international academic symposiums held abroad. Nearly 140 international academic symposiums and seminars hosted by colleges and universities in China welcomed in some 5,000 participants from foreign countries.