linking different actions with 还 takes no time at all to master in Chinese grammar.
The adverb 还 (hái) can be used to link two phrases together, in a similar way to "and also" in English. In this case, 还 begins a new phrase or clause.
Subect+Verb+Object 1+还+verb+object 2
Wǒ hē le pú tɑo jiǔ, hái hē le pí jiǔ.
我 喝 了 葡萄酒,还 喝 了 啤酒。
I drank wine, and I also drank beer.
The adverb 还 (hái) can be used to link two phrases together, in a similar way to "and also" in English. In this case, 还 begins a new phrase or clause.
Subect+Verb+Object 1+还+verb+object 2
Wǒ hē le pú tɑo jiǔ, hái hē le pí jiǔ.
我 喝 了 葡萄酒,还 喝 了 啤酒。
I drank wine, and I also drank beer.